Micro- and nanoplastics: What knowledge gaps need to be filled, and why?
Green Week panel discussion with policy makers, other stakeholders and very short European Cluster on Health Impacts of Micro- And NanoPlastic (CUSP) presentation
Green Week panel discussion with policy makers, other stakeholders and very short European Cluster on Health Impacts of Micro- And NanoPlastic (CUSP) presentation
Official European Cluster on Health Impacts of Micro- And NanoPlastic (CUSP) launch
This event will summarise the outcome of a recent JRC/BAM inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) study on the measurement of microplastics in water and present other similar studies. The results of these studies will be put in perspective with policy needs in view of (existing or upcoming) legislation. A plenary discussion on bridging state of the art […]
The Plastic Health Summit, organised by the Plastic Soup Foundation, will take place in Amsterdam and online. It is hard to imagine a world without plastic. In fact, it is almost unavoidable; we eat, drink and breathe micro- and nanoplastics - and their harmful chemical additives – every single day. What is that doing to […]
CUSP members will convene in Ispra, Italy from June 8–10 for the consortium's second annual meeting. In a hybrid event taking place in part at the facilities of the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC) in Ispra, Italy and in part online, CUSP members will discuss the progress achieved during the last year, while coordinating research […]
This conference addresses stakeholders from policy, science, industry and NGOs who are dealing with regulatory implications of innovative materials in the context of chemical safety. InnoMat.Life will present the final project outcomes and aims to discuss them in a broader context of other ongoing initiatives. Find out more and register here: https://www.bfr-akademie.de/english/innomatlife.html