News from the Polyrisk research project (January 2023)
Welcome to the January 2023 news blast from the POLYRISK, an EU-funded research project that aims to better understand how micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) impact our health and immune system. The first study from POLYRISK, published December 2022, assesses the uptake...Job opening: Scientific officer for the assessment of health effects of micro- und nanoplastics (f/m/x)
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has published a job opening: in the department Chemical and Product Safety of the BfR is in the unit “Fibre and Nanotoxicology” the following two year position is immediately available: Scientific officer for the assessment of health effects of micro- and nanoplastics (f/m/x).
FAO review raises awareness about MNP pollution and potential public health concerns
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations publishes a review on human exposure to micro- and nanoplastic (MNP) via dietary sources; finds that lack of sufficient data and standardized analytical methods preventing conclusive answers on potential health impacts.

Out now! Third edition of the CUSP newsletter
Read all about the latest updates, initiatives and achievements across the CUSP research cluster from the past six months.

POLYRISK 2022 General Assembly: Exploring the risks of micro- and nanoplastics through human exposure studies
Scientists, researchers and other project partners gathered at the recent POLYRISK General Assembly, held in Berlin from 1-3 November 2022, to continue exploring together the risks of micro- and nanoplastics through human exposure studies.